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Import Control System

 Read Import Control System FAQ (French)

ICS process
Operator obligations
Responsible operator
ENS time limits
Legal ENS time limits
ENS data terminology
Customs obligations
Arrival notification
Diagram of ICS flows
Constraints and difficulties
Import Control System
circular (french)


The adoption of the World Customs Organisation's SAFE Framework of Standards has resulted in a security amendment being made to the European Community Customs Code.

4 key elements :
  • A security declaration must be made to the customs authorities for goods being imported into the European Union (EU).

  • Arrival notification in the EU of the means of transport.

  • Setting of standardised community criteria for detecting goods at risk.

  • Taking into account the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status.

ICS Process

Operator obligations

Safety and security entry summary declaration (ENS)
  • Transmitted solely by EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) to the first EU port reached from 1st January 2011.

  • ENS = ENtry Summary declaration = logistics and commercial information.

  • For all the goods aboard the means of transport.

  • In compliance with the legal time limits for the means of transport, type of transport and type of goods.

Responsible operator

Who is responsible for the ENS?
  • The carrier or his representative
  • or
  • The freight forwarder
  • or
  • Any person who is able to present or get the goods presented, the importer or his representative.

  • The person that lodges the ENS is responsible for the information being given to the customs authorities.

Who receives the ENS?
  • The national customs authority of the first EU port “reached”.

ENS time limits

Long distance shipping
  • Containerised cargo: 24 hours before the ship bound for the EU is loaded.

  • Conventional or bulk: 4 hours prior to the ship's arrival at the first EU port.
Short distance shipping
  • Containers / Trailers / Conventional / Bulk: 2 hours prior to the ship's arrival at the first EU port.

  • Towed trailers: 1 hour prior to arrival at the EU office of entry.

Legal ENS time limits

Definition of short distance shipping
  • Goods transport:

  • Between: Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Ceuta, Melilla, Norway, Iceland, the Baltic Sea ports, the North Sea ports, the Black Sea ports, the Mediterranean ports and all Moroccan ports.

    And: EU territory apart from the overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands.

  • Goods transport in under 24 hours

  • Between : A country outside the EU

    And: The overseas departments, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands.

ENS data terminology

Customs obligations

Before goods arrive on EU customs territory the customs authorities must:
  • Carry out a risk analysis based on the information previously transmitted via EDI.

  • Determine if there is a type A (no load), B (inspection at the first European port) or C security risk (inspection at the port of unloading).

  • In the event of a “no load” decision (long distance transport), inform the carrier before the goods leave the third country.

  • Return an MRN (Movement Reference Number) to the operator who transmitted the data informing it about the security situation of the goods.

  • Inform another Member State about the risk analysis in the event of the goods being unloaded in this state.

Arrival notification

Arrival notification of the means of transport
  • The operator (or his representative) of the active means of transport entering the community customs territory must notify the authority.

  • The customs authorities of the first EU point of entry country must be notified.

  • The notification must contain the list of permissions obtained following the lodging of the ENS for all the goods being transported.

  • The carrier (or his representative) must ensure that all goods being transported are covered by ENS.

Diagram of ICS flows

Constraints and difficulties

  • Those involved in the transport process at the different stages do not have access to all the information.

  • Supplier information reliability varies depending on the supplier in question.

  • The operator is penalised if no ENS is provided.

  • Goods are not allowed to be loaded (no load) in the event of a proven risk in the case of long distance container shipping.

  • Goods can be immobilised in the event of a proven risk in the case of short distance shipping.

  • The 27 EU countries have common risk analysis criteria but there are 27 IT systems and therefore 27 interfaces to develop.

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